Take a look at the pro and con arguments. Do these guys hire used car salesmen to do their writing or something? Take a look at this.
PROPOSITION 94 IS ON OF THE BIPARTISAN REFORMS WE NEED TO GET CALIFORNIA BACK ON TRACK!They could hardly restrain themselves. Take a look at what would've gotten through if their editors hadn't restrained them.
Prop. 74 is Real Education Reform
OMFG!!11!one! PR0P0$1T10/\/ 94 1$ TEH B1P@R4T1$@/\/ R&F0R/\/\$ U MUST V0TE 4!!!11!111!one!nOW, DON'T GET ME WRONG... ahem.
excuse me.
Now, don't get me wrong. I support proposition 74. And the rebuttal contains far more capital letters than the one in favor. :p I swear, I am tempted every year to reward the one who uses the least capital letters and exclamation points by voting the way he would like me to, regardless of the content of the argument--or the proposition itself. Who could possibly read through this book without cringing?
Actually, that question is not rhetorical. If there are any readers out there who would like to defend the writing style of the arguers, please do so. I am genuinely curious. But I don't want to hear from writers giving theoretical justifications for this writing style. I want to hear from readers who are actually moved by it.
In the very near future, I'll be posting serious blogs--my own take on the various propositions.